Soon you'll have to come over here again :0
NATO and all that :0
Allies :0
Sure we hate your fucking guts, but hey! Europa + America is like = Our guns suddenly multiplied with four.
That's a good deal, regardless of your goddamn, hopeless retardedness, borderline-analphabetism, fascist tendencies, racism, colonialism and corrupt world exploitation!
It is seeming more and more likely Russia will invade Finland at least within our all timeline. Finland is not a NATO nation, but is increasingly tempted to join, something that a Russian envoy described as pretty much a disastrous choice for Finland and Europe as well.
Finland is to be incorporated peacefully into Russia, according to Russian unofficial global-politic theories.
Therefore, if Finland is allied with a major military alliance, according to the Russian envoy - this woudl equal "Another full-out war in Europe", was what he said.
Finland connecting with Europe - equals a war across Europe.
Nice, Russia. That's... nice!
At the end of that, he described "russophobia", and basically did the whole "Stop looking at me like that or I'll punch you" to someone not even looking. He added that rampant "russophobia" in Finland would provoke this situation untill there is no turning back, and that the 2nd worst "russophobe" country after Finland, was Sweden.
This is dick-swinging of course, but very specific. This type of dick-swinging can be an attempt at "softening the shock" - remember, this isn't meant so much for US, its not a warning to EUROPE! It is a message to RUSSIA!
It is a Russian envoy - telling the Russian people: "SO! I went to Finland, and told them to stop murdering Russian babies! They told me they didn't know what I was talking about! I TRIED!"
Same shit as the Americans were doing about Arabs and terrorists and such. Finns apparently hate Russians "for deyr freedom", and as such, Russia "will be forced" to invade.