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Helllllllllloooooooo INTENSITY!!

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Hi guys. What's happened in the past 3 years? I see this place is still getting some newcomers.
Peaguy, McJ, who's still here?
Dhanlow :P

A lot has happened recently. Peaguy and McJagger aren't here anymore. Very few of the old crowd are, except for Pyraxis and PMS Elle. Of course, Odeon is still here.

There have been a few changes since you've been away. First, around a year and a half ago, our host ended up prohibiting us from posting porn. We lost a lot of good pictures in that purge. :( We can't talk about sex in explicit terms, either. Second, a few months after that, Odeon agreed to allow Autism Speaks to sponsor the site, as they do with Wrong Planet. This means that we're discouraged from criticizing them. We serve as their edgier, fringe marketing tool. If you have any interest in appearing at their events to support them in their quest for a cure, PM one of the moderators on WP. This deal effectively makes us partners with WP, but you can't have everything. :( We're also fully moderated now: profanity, personal attacks and drama are all prohibited. We still keep the image from the trolling days of our youth, but the forum has been pretty tame in recent weeks. We've considered starting a dating service recently for all of the small :penis: members of I2, but it hasn't worked out.

Oh, and AFF closed a while ago. Feel free to start some AFF drama. :trollface:

Don't believe (most of) what Semicolon says! He/she is the trolliest troll that ever trolled. ;)

It is good to see you, Danlo. Hopefully, like Skelth, you are here to stay. :)

Welcome back.


--- Quote from: Semicolon on December 11, 2013, 02:40:26 AM ---A lot has happened recently. Peaguy and McJagger aren't here anymore. Very few of the old crowd are, except for Pyraxis and PMS Elle. Of course, Odeon is still here.

There have been a few changes since you've been away. First, around a year and a half ago, our host ended up prohibiting us from posting porn. We lost a lot of good pictures in that purge. :( We can't talk about sex in explicit terms, either. Second, a few months after that, Odeon agreed to allow Autism Speaks to sponsor the site, as they do with Wrong Planet. This means that we're discouraged from criticizing them. We serve as their edgier, fringe marketing tool. If you have any interest in appearing at their events to support them in their quest for a cure, PM one of the moderators on WP. This deal effectively makes us partners with WP, but you can't have everything. :( We're also fully moderated now: profanity, personal attacks and drama are all prohibited. We still keep the image from the trolling days of our youth, but the forum has been pretty tame in recent weeks. We've considered starting a dating service recently for all of the small :penis: members of I2, but it hasn't worked out.

Oh, and AFF closed a while ago. Feel free to start some AFF drama. :trollface:

--- End quote ---

I had not heard any of these new rules.


... but, Hey, yeah, welcome back.  I remember seeing a few of your posts.


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