The point that someone from AFF had deliberately asked Gareth's stalker to come back was still implied without sufficient evidence being presented. Whether or not you saw all of the posts is pretty much irrelevant. All that proved was that you didn't post the misinformation out of malice, but it was still a very serious accusation to make without actually taking the time to gather evidence from any source other than Gareth's one post. This certainly doesn't improve the credibility of any information you post, does it?
You fail, yet again. Condolences to you, thanks for playing, ba-bye.
It was not an accusation. You need to learn reading comprehension. Not to worry, though. I'm here to help.
Maybe you all need to just let it go now.
Here's the setting for the post. "Maybe" means that it's a possibility, not an order or something in the "I know better than the lot of you" vein. "All" here is meant to include both sides. All sides, actually.
Let's move on to what I actually said:
If it's true that they were stalked for years and now some moron suggested to contact the stalker for more of the same, I can sympathise with saying fuck it, no internet message board is worth this shit, it's not worth having someone ruin your life just for the lulz. I've been there.
If it's true.
Notice this qualification of what is to follow. It means that I don't know. It means that I am presenting a hypothetical.
IF it is true that they were stalked. IF it is true that some moron suggested to contact that stalker now. The "if" means that I don't know. It means that I have not read everything on the subject, and it means that I am simply commenting on the fucked-uppedness of the stalking. I'm saying that IF it is true, then it is fucked up.
And I'm stating my opinion, based on my experiences, that no internet message board is worth having someone ruin your life like that. IF the stalking bit is true.
I guess this is where you threw that hissy fit. OMG, am I really attacking your beloved board like this? The sacred AFF, with all those nice memories and friendly discussions and heated debates?
I said "NO internet message board", though, which really means every single one, this present one included, and I happen to run this one.
Because let's face it, that's what it is. An internet message board. Real Life (TM) should always take precedence.
OMG, another attack? No, just my opinion. A perspective, seemingly alien to the upset people posting in this thread. Because real life should actually take precedence, it really should.
Let me know if I can decipher other posts for you.