If you have never fired a gun, your opinion on them is invalid.
Sorry, but my BS detector just broke. This is probably just about the stupidest thing I've read today (sorry, TA, but this will help you grow as a human being).
Guns have only one purpose. You don't need to have fired a gun to oppose that purpose.
Did you not see what I clarified later in the thread? More or less, if you want all guns taken out of the hands of the citizens and you have never bothered to fire a gun, you are a hypocrite, and hypocritical opinions are invalid.
If you need several posts to explain views best finished in one, you most likely aren't expressing yourself well enough. See, people will respond after reading *one* message, not waiting for clarification after that painful insert foot in mouth moment.
Btw, your clarification did little to change anything. Again: guns have exactly one purpose. You can oppose that purpose without ever touching a gun. Think about it.
I would never trust the general population to be in possession of anything as potentially dangerous as a gun. Look at the idiots walking the streets, ffs.
Not everyone is an idiot and not everyone would abuse their right to carry a firearm but quite a few would, and have. Where the line is drawn is a different discussion, though; all I want to make clear here is that no, you don't have to have pulled the trigger to be against killing.