Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

The People vs MLA

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Couldn't help the title. Thought it to be hilarious, in fact.

But more seriously: I see a lot of underhanded bitching about MLA by other members. This is fine, of course, as I2 is not the place for moderation and hushed words, but if there is sand in your vaginas about what he says or does, don't you think a callout would be more honest?

What I see now is cowardice. MLA is good at debating, I know, but if you think you have an actual point to make, don't you think it's time to make it?

Well I am merely mirroring the cowardly behavior displayed by MLA. :) I am a tad busy, though, so responses will not be as swift. I find MLA's behavior repetitive and boring. He always has something to "prove" to everyone here. His posting history and karma log is proof. I will supply it tomorrow. I have screencaps.

He beats his chest in an over exaggerated attempt  to appear like he is an alpha male. He is delusional, living in an online fantasy world on this forum where he is the "star". He talks shit about "whiny emos", yet is one himself. He is a delicate little flower. He is even more sensitive than I am. And that's really saying something.....

If MLA crosses paths with me in a debate, I simply refute his statements, and he really does not bother me.

He does his thing, and I do mine.

Also, he is a bloody attorney in he making, of course he can hold his own in a debate.

I have not seen anything underhanded in what Rage or DFG has said to MLA. Both have been very open and clear in expressing disdain. As for whether it should go to callout or continue as it is going, MLA has gone after Lestat without any callout by either that I can recall. I don't consider that cowardly on either part, they just don't like each other. I personally prefer to argue with people in what ever thread their statement I disagree with was posted in. If that is cowardly than mea culpa. You may have noticed that every callout I have been in was initiated by the other party.

Al Swearegen:
I too will go head to head with anyone I disagree with, but then i do not think that his thread was made for me in mind.
I do not think that Rage or DFG are being subtle with MLA or he with they. How far any of the three want to take things is I guess up to them.
I think this place is a place that opinionated and strong blokes and girls are likely to prosper and the weaker ones not so much. Either being the type of person to whom everyone likes and feels like defending and/or not attacking, or conversely the type of person who doesn't give a shit and happy to fight whomever and defend their opinions.
Particularly for the men, it is a place where those that like a good verbal battle and a bit of aggro, do ok.

So IS MLA and Rage fighting for dominance to see who is the Alpha male on I2? If so it is a pointless endevour because I am  ;)


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