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How to register and validate your account


If you're trying to register for an account and it won't go through...

- If you're using a proxy IP that's on a spam list, it's probably getting blocked by the spam filter. Find a more reputable proxy or don't use one at all.

- If you don't get an account validation email in 24 hours, email intensity dot register at gmail. (For non-techies - replace the "dot" with a "." and "at" with "@" and add ".com" to the end) Tell us you're a real person and give your username and somebody will flag your username to be validated by the admins.

Good luck  :viking:

Thanks, this is very helpful!

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: Pog on February 13, 2012, 01:10:39 PM ---Thanks, this is very helpful!

--- End quote ---


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