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How well did you sleep last night?

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I made the mistake of leaving my bedroom door open last night. Rowan and Kira fought a couple of times (without injuring each other) and Kira kept trying to get into my bag which hangs on the door. Rowan knocked my book and clock off my bedside table which made me peeved because I was tired and wanted to sleep. Bloody cats. I love them.

Slept reasonably... just realized it's a tad bit humid at night, plus I kept sweating up a storm without my fan -___-

I'm tired, I didn't sleep enough.

I slept okay... just keep wondering how I'm going to sleep while Yoshi's archnemesis is visiting this weekend.

conlang returns:
I didn't.  It is almost nine.  I gave up on working and went home because I was afraid I'd fall asleep.  Then I sat down and spent four hours on the computer.  I'm having some problems. 


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