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Pyraxis, would you rather I applaud or smite?

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Luv me or h8 me,  u know im a playa so ya gotta rate me. :laugh:

Omega: "although i have the highest amount of smites, i also have the highest amount of applauds"

where does one check this out, is this one of the alleged thrills of the hidden admin forum?

Merry Widow:
i think it might be an admin-only feature, actually. if i view a person's profile and click on "forum profile information," it shows me the total amount of applauds and smites for that member. you've had 7 applauds and 10 smites, in case you were wondering. i've had 41 applauds and 50 smites.  ???

i'm suprised that so many people actually bother with applauding / smiting people because, most of the time, i don't even think of doing it.

To applaud or to smite what a debate huh.

Lol Pyraxis, until I hear otherwise you are being applauded.


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