I'm not sure that makes sense to me. If I'm born in Iran, I am practically forced to be Muslim. It seems unfair to send that person to hell if he's a good person, if he has no real way to find Jesus.
IF he's a good person. But is he?
God is sovereign, though. Don't think that he has no real way to find Jesus.
Same applies to someone born in a remote tribe. May never have heard of Jesus. Why should they be doomed to hell?
Because without Jesus, they're doomed to hell like any of us. Are they also not sinners according to God? Have they also not broken His commandments?
But even then, you don't know if they've never heard of Jesus.
Or are you omnipotent and know what every single person has heard about?
My next question is, God gives us free will, but if we do not follow his wishes we go to hell. Is that fai?
I don't know about "fair", but it is absolutely just.
If I pull a gun on someone, and say to them "you don't have to give me your money, you have a choice, but if you choose not to give me your money, I will blow your brains out." Am I really giving him a choice? Am I giving him free will on the matter?
Yes, you are. Either he gives you the money and lives or he refuses and dies, no?
But, anyway, how does this relate to God's relation with man?