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What have you done today? (Pt 2)

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--- Quote from: Queen Victoria on September 21, 2011, 05:59:08 PM ---
--- Quote from: hykeaswell on September 21, 2011, 01:33:17 AM ---Forgot to make tea, while the water was hot.

Just pushed the button to get the water to the boil again.  :hyke:

--- End quote ---

You're supposed to use fresh water each time to give the proper flavour.

Went to a training class for STAIR - Start The Adventure In Reading.  It helps 2nd graders who are not reading on level to increase their reading skills.

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The water is also supposed to boil for five minutes, and my water cooker lets it boil less than 15 seconds. So, bringing hot water to the boil again isn't that bad I think.
Got pretty hard water here, and an extra boiling does soften it.

Got up early. Went to a tutorial that I found that I didn't need to go to. Only three other people turned up.


--- Quote from: renaeden on September 22, 2011, 09:40:36 PM ---Got up early. Went to a tutorial that I found that I didn't need to go to. Only three other people turned up.

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Tutorial about what ren?

Just about any data we wanted to show our tutor. Mine is on YouTube and I haven't transcribed it yet, so I had nothing to show. Was hoping the others doing Conversation Analysis would show up so we would have something to talk about but they didn't. It wasn't a compulsory tutorial.

Drove to work. Grabbed some coffee.


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