Hehe, good to see someone else gets the reference. Although with me, it isn't my ears, but a woman raking her nails either up and down my feet and/or hands, or dragging a pointy set of claws down my back, thats definitely a turn on.
Random observation-bugger. Went to set a pizza to cooking, but the last pepperoni meat feast one I had in the fridge is one without the stuffed crust. Damnation and piss! I wante'd a stuffed crust one. I hadn't realized there were TWO different varieties of Co-Op double pepperoni pizzas differentiated mainly in the color of the box label. until it was too late and they were bought and on the way home to provision me for a couple of weeks (I can eat a LOT of pizza given the opportunity, and in record time too, cooking two for a serving and dropping one face down on top of the other one to give a sandwich made of pizzas, fold in half, munched in just enough time for your belly to tell your brain that it's full
Ideal ratio of stuffed crust>stuffed face>just stuffed=satisfaction+eruption of belch to signify same. Trust an autie to turn cooking a pizza (or pair thereof) into an equation for greatest efficiency
Might make me a spazz, but it works for me. Means I can eat more pizza before the bits of me below the neck have time to tell the bits above I have to stop. Not want to but have to. Still can't get around the needing to rest and digest after, after all there is only so much volumetric capacity between beak hole and bunghole, so to speak, but that way, at least it's ensured that the most is filled relative to the enjoyment of gorging on double-barreled pizza-sandwiches.
I'd be a real fat bastard if it wasn't for my happening to be of the sort of build that just doesn't seem to get fat. Highly strung and quick to burn through something eaten, but oddly can seem to go for a long time without eating if I chose or had to. But I can certainly stuff down pizza sandwiches at a rapid pace for a fair period of time and not get plump. I don't think I've ever BEEN plump, let alone anything you'd look at and think 'there are going to be second helpings by the time he's cooked and served'. But at least its all lean meat. Well, lean meat, and internal organs with plenty bones here and there with the usual anatomical stringy bits.