Don't be a twat, the reason 9 times out of 10 that the games suck is because the Wii is the dominate console and the 3rd parties flock to them like flies on shit to offload their shovelware. Same thing happened to the PS1&2.
This is true, shovelware and gimmicks are cancer.
Mind you, I get pissed at people who buy drek like Modern Warfare 2 - the first MW was good, this I cannot deny, especially the scene with the nuke - however, the second was complete and utter shite. For that matter, I consider Halo one of the worst things to happen to gaming in the past couple of generations - regenerating health can choke on a million dicks. True, there are situations where it an make sense, but they are far and few between.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R, ArmA, Operation Flashpoint, Supreme Commander, Morrowind, Trackmania, Uplink, DEFCON, Wipeout HD Fury, Gran Turismo, and to a lesser extent Zone of the Enders 2: The Second Runner are what I like in games; if you fuck up, you're fucked, and it's very possible to get into a situation you can't win - your only option is to shrug, grin and vow to kick their arses next time. Also Bad Company 2 on Hardcore mode.