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fuck steve irwin, vince welnick died

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you dont mean david crosby, do you?
anyway, no i didnt verify the info.  cant imagine ANYBODY would make that kind of thing up.

No, i'm sure it was david cross, It was said during his comedy hour "The pride is back."  And it is slightly paraphrased.


--- Quote from: Triste on September 06, 2006, 08:41:56 PM ---i just now read about and it doesn't help my depression one bit.

he slit his throat in frony of his wife.  death due to depression.

for those of you under 30, he was the last grateful dead keyboardist.

--- End quote ---
That is something I could never do is commit suicide in front of someone else.

I used to love the Grateful Dead.  Only got to see a few shows before Jerry died though.

Now I have Tennessee Jed stuck in my head.

"If I was gonna commit suicide, I'd fling myself off a skyscaper, except before I do i'd pack my clothing with candy and gum.  So when the onlookers come by, they'll go "Oh... he must have been really depressed- Oh Hey! Snickers!"

(Another quote from a comedian, this time Patton Oswald)


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