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What is intensity? part #1

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We believe in the right to speak freely.

We believe that People with AS have not been allowed to speak freely.  And that society has been a bully which has forced their silence.  as a result people with AS seem to be a little on the ultra sensitive side.  We would like to give voice to People with AS, since the silence has been enforced by society for far to long.
intensity? is a place where freedom reigns supreme in the marketplace of ideas.  we encourage everybody to speak so that together we may form a collage of ideas and work out the truths as percieved by the AS Community.  Then we plan on taking those truths and become advocates for them.  and we will stand together and be counted, and we will speak up.

The price of speech is not free.  Each person will be held accountable for their words and challenged by the Community.  The off chance that you might be embarrassed for what you say, is the price of free speech.  People have no right to censor what another thinks, and abolish them before they get the right to speak.  that is what we have battled our entire lives and its over.
we demand the right here.  and we make use of that right.  right or wrong, you will not be silenced by those who wish to keep you from being counted.

we are not disabled by AS, we are challenged.  and we challenge you, to help us overcome those hurdles, and challenge us.

to be continued...

we encourage
*name calling
*free thought
*outside the box thinking
*the sophist method of debate
*search for truth
*and the right to speak, and keep speaking, and again, and as many times as necessary, until all parties are satisfied.

-intensity? community


--- Quote from: McSmartass on April 06, 2006, 10:54:02 PM ---we encourage
*name calling
*free thought
*outside the box thinking
*the sophist method of debate
*search for truth
*and the right to speak, and keep speaking, and again, and as many times as necessary, until all parties are satisfied.

--- End quote ---

Why isn't spamming on this list?


--- Quote from: calandale on May 22, 2007, 12:16:44 AM ---
--- Quote from: McSmartass on April 06, 2006, 10:54:02 PM ---we encourage
*name calling
*free thought
*outside the box thinking
*the sophist method of debate
*search for truth
*and the right to speak, and keep speaking, and again, and as many times as necessary, until all parties are satisfied.

--- End quote ---

Why isn't spamming on this list?

--- End quote ---
because you are the only person who encourages it.

But, you rather embody it. Seems that you'd add it to
any motto that you wrote.

well said McWhatever.
Now i only have to think of something to say, and i will say it  :clap:


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