You just ignore people when you don't feel for having contact with them.
Is that not an aspie trait? I get accused of the same thing.
*snort* It's not a trait specific to Aspies. It's a relatively common drama-generator that is made especially possible by the age of technology, when everybody is used to having some way to get ahold of anyone, anytime, anyplace.
Yes, it's more polite to find a way to let people know you're not ignoring them because of anything to do with them (if that's what's happening), but those people can also directly ask YOU why you've become hard to contact (such as pointing out you don't always remember you have MSN up). Some may be understanding, some may not be- c'est la vie. Some people will genuinely ignore people they don't want to talk to and never give a reason; ignorers can be petty assholes as easily as ignorees can. Again, ce'st la vie. That lit takes it
so personally after Fiona has explained to him why she sometimes pops out of contact speaks to how narcissitic he is.
PMS Elle
Evil, Heartless Bitch
Insane Postwhore
Re: WC non-public photo thread
« Reply #917 on: April 30, 2008, 10:05:27 PM »
Jeeeeeeeeez, Hale_bopp. You're a fuckin' knockout.
Well, she is. But more importantly, I think you're either on too much or too little of something right now, DB. You're losing coherence. :/
You won't get friends by being ignorant to your fellow Aspies.
I'm probably going to get slammed for this opinion, but do you really think that having aspergers should be an automatic ticket to being liked? It's the same sort of attitude as those aspies who think that because someone is an NT, it's an automatic ticket to being hated.
You've been downright rude to/about me on occasion, yet you pack a shit and make a stupid thread calling me about 5 childish names because someone doesn't reply on MSN for ages. I would never use the excuse "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME I HAVE ASPERGERS TOO" to try and get friends. If people, aspie or NT choose to be my friend, then that is nice, if not, well, it's their decision, they've got their reasons and i'll drop it.
Well, fair enough, often on internet message board you'll get slammed for being the voice of reason.
BTW, practical advice: Dunno if you allow yourself to show up as idle on IMs, sign in as invisible, or talk behind away messages, but all three have been useful for me, I think. Also if you have MSN or other instant messengers as a part of your default startup on your computer you might want to disable that so you're less likely to not notice you're on instant messenger.